Register Here
To register your child as a free member of the MyExamSlayer community please fill in the form below. Or if you would like to upgrade please follow the link.
If you wish to upgrade your child’s membership to XMWhizz status, please let us know whether you would like the junior school or high school variant. Both have a series of videos featuring XMWZ, our newest staff member, from the Planet Setarcos, and the high school variant includes a series of multiple-choice tests designed to let your child continuously discover what areas need further revision.
For a one-time payment of R199, you not only receive all the extras mentioned above, but your access to the course is extended to 10 years. Try the enhanced benefits of XMWhizz membership for a full 30 days and if you feel for any reason that it’s not a good fit for your child, simply take advantage of our no-nonsense, 30-day Money Back Guarantee.

And there is an added bonus for exhausted parents – our own 52-page e-book entitled “How to Help Your Child Succeed”, (pictured) which is free for you to download and keep – even if you decide to ask for your money back. Covering everything from better nutrition to how to find out what type of learner your child is, it’s a treasure-trove of advice in an area where many people struggle to find the help they need.