Welcome to MyExamSlayer
MyExamSlayer, the most practical assistance ever available to children battling with exam nerves, tension and lack of confidence, is now available online.
Our Vision
Our vision is one of exam halls filled with confident learners who know what their goal is in the exam, and have a clear plan of how to achieve it.
Our Mission Statement
To give every school learner a real helping hand at exam time by teaching them a wide range of effective exam-related skills and techniques.
Different courses, different languages, but just one goal: teach every kid how to get all the marks they deserve . . .
Welcome to the home of MyExamSlayer, our courses come in a variety of languages – they are already available in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu, with other languages to follow, depending on demand.
However, the objective of every course is the same – to teach children how to build the three pillars of exam success.
What are these three pillars? Well, Oxford Royale (www.oxford-royale.com), which claims to be one of the world’s leading providers of “summer school experiences”, offers this opinion: the three essentials for exam success are (i) solid subject knowledge, (ii) robust and effective exam technique and (iii) a positive outlook.
In other words, the learner needs to know their work (obvs), know how to write an exam (not so obvs) and be confident and clear-minded while in the exam hall. So MyExamSlayer’s courses give them some advice on how to study, where to study and when to study (as well as when not to!). But we also teach them several different stress reduction hacks and – most important – we show them how to write the different types of exams.

. . . and all of them are completely free!
All the MyExamSlayer courses are designed to be fun while being followed and memorable afterwards. And all the courses consist of six different sections, with invaluable advice on such crucial skills as how to memorise, how to cope with exam stress and how to find the most important words in the exam paper. Members have unlimited access to their course of choice and these are all completely FREE.
We probably won’t be able to keep them free forever, so if you would like to give your child some amazing help without making a dent in your monthly budget, click on the Register button below and grab this free membership before it disappears.
What does MyExamSlayer consist of?
MyExamSlayer is an online course consisting of six lessons, each one designed to help school learners – particularly those in Grade 12 – with a problem area they are likely to encounter when faced with their end-of-year exams.
How long is it?
Learners who are signed up for the class have limitless access to the lessons for a period of a year, so each learner can improve at their own pace.
Who does MyExamSlayer help?
It helps all levels of learners – those battling to pass, those hoping for a university pass and those aiming for distinctions.
How does it do this?
In three ways. One, by explaining to learners why some behaviours are better than others, and by giving them practical hints on how to study, where to study and when to study. Two, by dealing with their natural fear of exams through the provision of strategies for stress management. And, three, by giving them a clear plan for how to attack each paper. This three-pronged strategy combines to increase the learners’ confidence levels and allow them to take control of their exam situation.
What kind of boost can my child expect to their marks?
This depends a great deal on how much effort the child brings to the table, and – dare we say it – on how much interest the parent/guardian takes in overseeing the process. MyExamSlayer is not a magic wand – it’s a common-sense bridge over the ravine of stress and panic, but the learner has to take the first steps.
Why hasn’t there been anything like MyExamSlayer before?
That’s a question we can’t answer. But, as we say regularly to sceptical parents, “Think back to your own schooldays: did anyone ever teach you how to write exams?”
If you need more information click on one of the yellow links below.