Every year thousands of learners fail....

….to get the marks they deserve in their end-of-year exams


Because they don’t know how to write exams!!!

Learner at desk
Books background

Think back to your own schooldays: did anyone teach you the basics of how to write exams? At any stage? Now your child is faced with their end-of-year exams, don’t let them go into the exam hall unprepared. Help them get all the marks they deserve. Throwing marks away is such a waste.

MyExamSlayer is a short course that teaches learners:

  • How to study most efficiently
  • What choices are important
  • How to prepare for each exam
  • What essentials to bring to the venue
  • How to deal with the stress
  • What to do before they start writing
  • How to avoid running out of time

In a realtime actual school trial, learners increased their marks by up to 37% after just one hour of exposure to MyExamSlayer. If you act now, your child will have much longer to benefit from MyExamSlayer’s simple-to-follow rules. Who knows how much improvement is possible?

So what does your child receive. . .

Lifetime membership of the MyExamSlayer club, which gives them limitless access to:

  • Six one-week learning programmes
  • More than 20 instructional videos/audios
  • Different multiple choice tests for each section

.. and an added bonus for you the parent

You also get our 50-page parental guide e-book, “How to Help Your Child Succeed”. This is a valuable resource that is yours to keep – even if you decide to terminate your child’s membership and claim a refund.

How to help your child succeed

To register your child as an Exam Slayer, please follow the link below to register and choose your preferred language. (None of the information you give us will be shared):

The MyExamSlayer database may be accessed by members only, using either a laptop or a smartphone. There is no limit to the number of times a member may access it, using their official login details. Please do not share your login details.